07 April 2011

before the beginning


i was speaking with my friend the other day and we were talking about how i was going to keep in touch with everybody without being able to message people all the time via text, and then this friend of mine had the brightest idea of creating a blog.  and alas, here it is.  i received a job in korea and i will be moving there in the beginning of may.  i have always thought about leaving the country to do something with my life, and last year i was finally given the opportunity to think outside of the cube and actually give it a try by applying.  I started the process around october and really got into it in december then got the big news in february, and now here i am with less than three and a half weeks left in the country to see what im going to miss and what i wont be missing at all (or so i think).  thus i call the next few weeks "after the end, before the beginning".  thanks for making me happy u.s.a. (now until im gone), in advance.  

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