02 July 2011

america the great

little old korean house at namsan tower 
seoul map at the namsan tower peak 
I don't know where to start but I want to begin with HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY WEEKEND!  I am sad that I am not in the States this weekend to celebrate.  I just found out that half of the family is going to new york for the holiday and I am upset and jealous that I am not going to be there.  But in light of the great day, I am going to work on Monday wearing red, white, and blue with nice blue jeans on!  =)  Fitting, isn't it?  I also believe we're having a barbecue that night to celebrate with lots of American music including a little Miley Cyrus party in the u.s.a.!  I can't wait.
  The second two pictures are from namsan tower in seoul.  I went there the other weekend with a friend I trained with, their friend from the states, and my cousin from Korea.  This is the same weekend we went to the dmz while I was half intoxicated.
  I have been feeling sick all week and it peaked yesterday morning when I had a massive headache and I was dizzy all day.  It doesn't help to drink while you're sick, it only makes it worse, so I recommend no alcohol when under the weather (words of wisdom, right?).
  I am dog-sitting for a co-worker this weekend and it is quite entertaining to watch the two dogs play/fight because they gnaw at each others teeth and just head butt the whole time, and they could do this for HOURS on end.  well peace buddies.

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